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"People pay attention to the man with this knife"...
 A RARE "SWITCH BLADE," STYLE KNIFE... hidden in the boxes below is ready to ship AT A STEEP DISCOUNT. 
...these are rare, concealed, and lethal and I only have a few of them...
"People Immediately pay attention to the man with this knife"...
Hi, Lou here, owner of Lone Survivalist,

I have a quick story for you (that will highly benefit a few of you)...

I created a Survival Company about 4 years ago called Lone Survivalist.

I've invented over 18 survival tools to this point, with more coming.

One of the most sought after tools I've created is a knife.

It's called the Blak Knife.

It sells for $399, daily.

1000's have sold.

It's a BEAST OF A KNIFE BUT I'm not offering that to you today.

You see, I wanted to create another knife, just as tough as that Blak Knife but built a bit different.

I wanted a knife that was perfect for everyday carry...

feather light...

razor sharp...

A knife that can be carried everywhere...

A nearly invisible knife. 

A knife that if someone spotted you holding - they'd know you're the man in the room to pay attention to you.

You see, I'm tired of run of the mill, short, folding knives that get lost in a drawer, my truck or car...

Sloppy knives.

Those knives have their place I guess, but this knife needed to say something about the man carrying it.

That he was different.

Fully in control, a gentleman, but no one to be trifled with. 

It needed to be a SHOWPIECE...

(the prototype I've been carrying around had all my buddies drooling, and it's was unfinished.)

I simply wanted a survival knife with James Bond's style.

"A True Gentleman's Survival Knife."

From the streamlined style... 

to the perfect feel and grip...

sharp enough to shave a man clean... 

So I designed that knife, nitride washed it, finished it, branded it, brought in just 300 in February...

and they SOLD OUT, well they FLEW out in just a few days.

So it took me 3-4 months to get a new batch back in and...
All 459 187 Executive Knives Are Packed, Branded, Oiled And Ready To Ship... 
Understand, as you read they won't last because of many on the waiting list. 

Just 459 187 and...


It's possible you'll be one of the few to grab one so let me tell you a little more about it...

The Executive Knife uses a rare "natural spring," deployment feature...

This has the knife spring right from the bolt rather than relying on a spring assist that can fail.

This means you'll always have your Executive Blade ready in a instant

It's molded with rock hard D2 steel, the same as the $399 Blak Knife...

and it uses a quick release flip switch that's equivalent to switch blade speed but legal in every state... 

It's not a knife that should only be used by survivalists...

It's not just a camping or everyday knife, though it's superior to most all of them...

It's a knife that an undercover agent would find trustworthy.

...think mission impossible type character...

It's a knife that is reliable, feather light, razor sharp, classy, can cut and pierce and is easily concealed.

So concealed, streamlined, and slim it's practically invisible.
Here's what makes the Executive Knife one of a kind:
  • K110/D2 STEEL BLADE-​ D2 steel is used to actually cut and sharpen knifes of all kinds. It's that tough but for the survivalist not only does it hold its edge but can be easily sharpened in the field to remain razor sharp in any situation. Harvest tinder from rock hard trees in a few quick swoops, or slice thin tomato slices, and filet fish by a campfire.
  • G10 Wooven Fiberglass Handle-  G10 is not only light weight to ensure your Executive Knife has the perfect balance. The G10 composite material has been molded and shaped to give you the perfect grip. Unlike wood or carbon handles G10 doesn't fully absorb hot or cold temperatures, so you'll have the same solid grip in the dead of winter or grilling by a blazing fire. 
  • Quick Flip Finger Notch​- This notch was expertly designed and engineered to make this a truly versatile knife. It allows you to deploy the blade at break neck speed for precision cutting. This includes skinning game, shaving, or anything else that requires a more precision feel. You'll have as much control of your knife as a surgeon using a precision scalpel. 
  • Double Steel Handle Balance - The design, handle-weight, double steel inner handle design, rivets, and blade length all need to be considered for weight balance.The Executive Knife has a near perfect balance that puts total control of the blade in your hand. 
  • Slim Line Design - The entire blade from top-to-bottom has the POWER OF A D2 Giant blade, packed inside a thin sleek design.  The second you take this out your friends will step in to grab it.  Don't let them hold it, you may lose it.
  • It's a knife guys, knife.
Virtually Indestructible Blade.
When the Executive Knife was designed, it had to stand up to the rigorous demands of a survivalist.

The D2 hardened alloy steel is practically unbreakable, in even the harshest environment. 

It's the steel used in the steel tools to cut most knives in knife creation.

Your war-buddies or guys at the local store will be begging you to tell them where you got it. 
"This is a knife that will be passed down to your 
9 Inches Balanced Tip-To-Point
One of the most important characteristics of a knife is it's balance. 

When a knife design is balanced properly, it adds to the structural integrity of the knife. One way this is achieved in a folding knife is through a double steel inner handle design

The design, handle-weight, double steel inner handle design, rivets, and blade length all need to be considered for weight balance. 

The Executive Knife has a near perfect balance that puts total control of the blade in your hand. 

The moment you pick it up, you'll notice it fits in your hand like you're wearing a glove. Near-perfect ergonomics make this knife every bit of a precision instrument. 

You won't want to put it down! 
G10 Custom Grip
I don't know about you... but I don't like carrying heavy knives everyday.

A couple of ounces can change your desire to carry a knife dramatically, even when you don't realize it. 

The Executive Knife's G10 woven fiberglass handle set is made from the same material used in aerospace engineering. 

It's 3 TIMES as strong as steel, yet weighs about two-thirds less. 

This and it's slim design is what makes the Executive knife one of the lightest, most durable everyday carry-knives on the planet. 

It's so light you'll forget it's even there... but your attacker will know it is, when you have to use it. 
Tanto Point Dual Edge 
In the picture above, you can see the Tanto point.

This was invented by Samurais to create a "short sword," that could pierce in battle.

Now your Executive Knife was not created for "battle," but I will say it is ready as a concealed defense tool, God forbid that day comes. 

Also because of its custom sharp edge it slices effortlessly, can filet fish, and slip through a tomato, one of the hardest things to slice, like butter.
Double Rivet Clip Design.
In the picture above, you can see the strategically placed belt clip is double riveted for long term wear and tear, and clips tight to a belt, pocket or hat for easy deployment in the field or in danger.
How Fast Can It Deploy In A Confrontation?
click the video and see real time deployment...
So What's The Price For The Executive Knife?
It's $199 retail. 

A more than fair price for a knife of this quality but...

because you're part of the Lone Survivalist tribe or on your way to become a tribesman... 

and because this is the last batch with limited inventory...

I'm going to let you have first dibs on this unique and rare knife at a DEEP discount.

Unfortunately most of you reading this probably won't have a chance to grab an Executive Knife today. 

These are not like crates that I constantly sell out, but easily refill.

This is a 1 time deal, when they are gone.

I cannot get even 1 more unless I have an entire lot of 500...

Which maybe I would do someday, but it's not in my plans.

So for those that act fast, and are fast enough to lock one in on the next page, I'm going to give you for OVER $110 off!  - so today the Executive Knife is just $79. 

That's over a 60% discount off it's retail price.

But you have to do me one favor, if you have time... 

Let me know how you like your Executive Knife when it gets rush delivered to your door by sending me a quick note about it, and even a picture to

YOU SHOULD WANT TO SHOW IT OFF ANYWAY - this is a Knife guys/gals knife.  Period.

Grab Your EXECUTIVE Knife Now... move quickly... 
Plus You Are Always Protected When You Buy From Us...
If you don't love your Executive Knife, for any reason, we will immediately refund you, and I'll even send you a shipping label for it.

Listen, I want to make sure you feel totally secure in your purchase today, so you now have nothing to lose if you are still on the fence, because I'll take all the risk.

Why?  I believe in the Executive Knife, that's why I created it, I believe everyone is better, safer, and more prepared with one, period.  

So grab your Executive Knife Now - WITH ABSOLUTELY ZERO RISK.
LOOK:  You've read this far which means you have some interest in your Survival.

You can do 1 of 2 things.

You can leave this page, and still be fine honestly.

...For today...

But if the time comes when you need full preparation.

Or when you need a quick deploying knife for everyday use, an emergency, to cut a seat belt in a crash, or in worst case a fast acting defense tool...

You'll have it with The Executive Knife.

Honestly, every survival tool you can get now, that's the QUALITY of what you saw on this page, could be VITAL for you and your families survival in the near future.

Frankly, because if I'm honest with you about what I believe about America, it's not good.

I believe most see the writing on the wall.

The fact is, America continues to slip into depravity, and trains our young children to grow up with no morality, no consequences, and little respect for the common man and woman.

The government and schools are training them to not even know the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, because they themselves don't know it...

That said, it's seems like a good idea to be as prepared as possible.

I believe that's why you've read this far.

This INSANE deal certainly gets you a bit more prepared in your everyday preparedness immediately with the fast deploying EXECUTIVE KNIFE.

It's a beauty.

You'll understand for yourself the minute you open its gloss white magnetic case, and feel it's grip and smooth "switch" action.

Plus with all the NO RISK & NO HASSLE GUARANTEE, it seems like its a no brainer for you to pick up a few.

So don't wait... 

and 1 more quick thing...

I am not rich.

This means when I put a deal like this in front of you, I do not have thousands, sometimes not even hundreds, so if you see the value in it, move fast to get it!

Or you wont be able get it.

And remember, whether or not you buy it today - Lone Survivalist is here for you, and will continually try to prepare you with the tools you need for Survival - at a great value.

Thanks for being a part of the tribe!

Stay ready.


The Lone Survivalist Mission Is: Get as many people survival ready as possible, as fast as possible, transforming them into Lone Survivalists.