Here are the facts:
The world is headed to a dark place.
Food is more expensive each day.
A decent burger costs $12-16 in many places.
I'm certain food will eventually be too expensive or that you'll need to compromise your values to get it.
Yes, as in a fully socialist society, or a dictatorship.
I won't compromise to whatever is coming.
I'll continue to help people survive in the face of it.
You may see some tremors of what's coming, but the bible says we have not seen anything yet.
A pound of grain will be worth a days wages, it says.
They'll be a world wide famine, it says.
1/3rd of the earth will feel it and die from that food shortage, it says.
I believe what it says.
I'm not sure when it will happen but I'll be ready for it.
That's why I made Survival Milkshake.
I made it for my own family to live.
I made it for friends to survive.
I made it for you and your family to thrive.
When it got delivered to me, I felt massive relief.
The relief of being ready with food even if I could not earn a dollar.
I want you to feel that relief as Survival Milkshake hits your door step.
Fact is, I don't know you, but I love you. (can't explain it, but I just do.)
I want you to be alive, fed, and do well no matter what happens in America.
"I think you are wrong about what's coming to America Lou!"
If I am wrong, that's GREAT.
You'll still be prepared with Survival Milkshake.
You'll have a Survival perfect food, that you drink daily instead of coffee, or eating breakfast.
I'll tell you all about Survival Shake below, but in short...
It's better than any survival food I've come across, some made me gag. (true story.)
Survival Milkshake is simple.
Stores well. (I've heard forever.)
Kids love to drink it.
Easy on the stomach.
Loaded with energy, antioxidants and electrolytes.
Full of clean protein, from grass fed cows, that are not all "shot up".
Pure, quick acting carbohydrate cane sugar powder.
Clean fats from chocolate and coconut that is not GMO based.
But Listen,
I assumed Survival Milkshake would not last long once it was released because of the demands I got for it, people wanted cases.
And when I released it a lot of people started buying it by the cases, even buying Survival Milkshake by the years supply.
I've now sold over 60 years worth, and am opening it back up for Black Friday customers for a limited time only.
So here's my quick advice...take your deflating dollars right now...
Trade them for good, healthy, food that practically lasts forever...
So grab your Survival Milkshake now below after you see in detail what makes it so clean, pure, long lasting and powerful & hear about YOUR FREE $100 BONUS PACKAGE.