Listen, if you've read this far or maybe just scrolled down, you're interested in survival food or you wouldn't be here.
You know you need food and can only make 1 of 3 decisions right now.
You can choose to not get it, and do nothing and end up not as prepared as you could be if a situation comes.
Most are never ready when socialism or famine hit, that's why it quickly destroys so many people.
But I understand, and may God help you if that comes.
I mean that in a good way not a brush you off condemnation way.
Two, you can get it later.
The issue with that is it just may not be here.
That's not a scare you to buy it now tactic.
It's transparency because I sold over 25 years of food in just 1 day.
Not many years left, and some people are still buying it by the year.
They are buying it in that quantity before they tasted it, and felt it's clean clear energy.
I think they'll be back shortly for more years supplies of it, for them and family.
Option 3, you can get it, be prepared, and sip on a delicious healthy Survival Milkshake in just a few days.
The choice is yours, it always is.
I'll respect your decision BUT as if you were my brother or sister I'll tell you what I'd say...
I'd say...
Just get it.
It's food.
It lasts practically forever.
It can feed you now, and in the future, cleanly.
It's tastes ridiculously good.
Unbelievable really, in my opinion, though I invented it and may be biased.
It was so important to me to have Survival Milkshakes that were mild enough and tasty enough to be good day in and day out.
A flavor and drink I ran to, and craved daily, like coffee.
It is that for me, and maybe you'll agree when you get it.
It will also keep you living if you ever don't have food.
Very important. lol
No need to think too much, in my opinion, go with option 3.
Prepare yourself for what's coming, and do it quickly.