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WAIT! I want to put THE ONE SURVIVAL TOOL That Destroys Them All in your box...
(I am sorry if you can't get one, I did not realize the demand, and should have made more.)
It started as 1 simple idea...

The idea was to create 1 light weight survival tool, that did everything you needed in any survival situation.

That idea had 1 purpose...

The purpose was to give you the ability to be ready for anything the second you clipped it on your belt.

To hand you confidence. 

A confidence that was palpable and others noticed and...

To give you a tool that you'd bet your life on.

I knew what this tool needed...

First it needed an extremely bright light.

"Stop shinning that!" type of bright.

The same sort of light that top flashlight companies charge $199 to $399 and people love.

Next it needed a massive power source that could push out that powerful light beam for hours.


It needed to place raw power in the palm of your hand. 

The kind of uncapped power that could charge your phone in a power outage, crisis, or even GRID DOWN BLIZZARD like Harry...
It needed a back up energy source, that could recharge itself, so it could stay lit and functioning constantly for you.

It needed to be able to get you out of house fires, and car wrecks, with a flick of the wrist.

Even cut through tough seatbelts like paper.

... just like it did here ...
It needed to provide quick heat in the bitter cold for you by lighting fires.

It needed to help you build shelter, cut wood, defend yourself.

It needed to assist you in procuring water, hunting, cooking food.

It needed to be able to signal for help for miles and use the sun as a charging source in the hopes that it would NEVER FAIL YOU.

A tool so reliable you could bet your life on it...
Introducing the NOVA KNIFE P50
Here's what makes the NOVA KNIFE P50 a TRUE one of a kind survival tool:
  • ​Built-In Solar Power Generator:​ This unique device has a solar-powered generator HIDDEN in the handle which was created with the goal of handing you a flashlight that is CONSTANTLY RECHARGING ITS POWER!  Blackout, Power outage, Car stranded at night, stuck in the woods for days, with the NOVA KNIFE you'll always have a powerful bright light.  Plus most other flashlights require you to replace or recharge batteries from an outlet that you'll often have no access to. NOT YOUR NOVA KNIFE.
  • Forever Plasma-Arc Lighter:​ This Forever Plasma-Arc lighter has never been introduced on a Flashlight like this.  This feature will allow you to start a roaring fire in an instant.  If you're in a cold and wet outdoor situation, you'll be warm in minutes as the NOVA KNIFE sets a fire for you regardless of the weather conditions.
  • 3+1 Mode Settings:​ The NOVA KNIFE P50 has 3 advanced mode settings plus an SOS mode setting that signals for help.  Low Torch, High Torch, and Ambush Strobe modes can be accessed with a single click of the green illuminated button... and once you double click the button, the high-intensity XHP50 beam pumps out SOS signals that can been seen for miles, and lasts for hours on end!
  • A 2020 TRUCK High Beam Inside A 9 Inch Reinforced Aluminum Case:​ The Nova Features a XHP 50 Light - similar to a light that runs the high beams on new model trucks. That light is powered by a 3.7 Volt Lithium 2500 MAH battery, the most powerful battery this light could hold without melting it. Its light, with that battery powering it, cuts through 300 yards with ease to spot and BLIND an assailant. 
  • An Enhanced Optical Zoom Lens:​ Go from 1x times to 2000x times light intensity just by sliding the calibrated optical zoom lens.  Whether you want to flood an entire campground with light, or zoom in on an intruder 300 yards away... your NOVA KNIFE P50 will do it for you. 
  • A Windshield Shattering Tungsten Tip & Seat Belt Slicer: Always have this tool on you to make a quick escape form a car accident or fire - the rear striking tip will shatter car glass and the seat belt slicer will free you from that car's grip.  In threatening circumstances, just 1 swift blow with the Tungsten Tip to the right pressure point can drop a thug, and ensure your safety or a loved ones safety. 
  • An Input/Output USB Charging Port:​ Instantly begin charging your iPhone or Android device with the built-in USB port. It's like having an additional phone battery with you wherever you go, that keeps recharging itself for you! Simply remove the rubber seal on the handle to reveal the built-in USB outlet. Plug in and GO!
  • NEW: A Dual Carbon Steel Knife And Shark Tooth Saw:  This blade is so sharp it can scrape trees into fine tinder for a blazing fire.  Plus the opposite end thickened shark tooth saw, rips through wood on the way in and the way out.  This saves you half the time and energy in cutting thick branches to keep your feet toasty by the fire all night long.
We had our engineers embed a solar power generator in the handle to charge your flashlight and the 3.7 V 2500 MAH battery located in the heart of the unit. 

This powerful solar generator functions without you doing anything, around the clock, and as it does...


This means you'll lose the need to scour the battery drawer searching for flashlight batteries ever again.


Equipped With A Class-Best XHP50 Cross Hair Light

You'll Light Up The Whole Block!

I was just tired of empty promises, from lesser lights.

I needed to make this one of the brightest, most night-piercing lights available today. 

One night I tested the brightness of the THE NOVA KNIFE P50. 

I sent a friend 140 yards down a pitch black hill, at the edge of my property.

I had him hide.

I wanted to see if the NOVA could spot a criminal trespasser in a real world, dark environment.

My friend's a bit shady so he fit the mold ;)

The NOVA immediately spotted him, tracked him, and even though he sprinted to get out of the line of the NOVA XHP 50 beam, he couldn't... it blinded him.

The NOVA had a lock on him the entire time he ran, and I saw him clear as day...

See if you could see his reflection in this low resolution video, to get the gist of the NOVA's power.
If he charged me... I would have set the light to 'Ambush Strobe' mode and disabled his vision instantly.
I Added This Fire-Starting Plasma Arc Lighter
What could be more valuable than starting a life-saving fire in the event of an emergency?

With the Forever Fire-Starting Plasma Lighter, you'll never be without the ability to light a fire any place, anywhere, at anytime. 

Your fully functioning NOVA KNIFE P50 will ensure your Forever Fire-Starting Plasma Lighter will ALWAYS work. 

BUILD MASSIVE FIRES in wind, hail, sleet or snow!
NEW: Tungsten-Alloy Hardened Breaker Tip With Seat Belt Cutter...
The Forever Fire-Starting Plasma Lighter is protected by a patented Tungsten-Alloy Tip that can smash through a car window in seconds, get you out of a burning building, or render an attacker defenseless when used correctly. 

Tungsten-Alloy Tip holds a tungsten ball made from one of the hardest metals on the planet, and was the only metal I would trust for myself and my family if they ever needed to use it to break glass. 

One shot from this bad boy to the right spot... will drop the most lethal challenger.

This tip is virtually indestructible and gives you the peace of mind that it will always be there for you when you need it. 

NEW: Plus I added a seat belt slicer to give you the ability to escape a car accident.

Instantly give life to all of your USB devices with this rapid charging USB port. 

The NOVA KNIFE P50 is a power bank that will charge your devices when you plug them in to the handle. 

And because the internal battery gets re-charged by the solar panel... you will always be able to charge all of your devices, even if the power goes out! 

Like it helped Harry & so many others that are in love with the Nova & Ready For The Nova Knife... 
Why would you ever buy a 'REGULAR' flashlight EVER AGAIN!?
Just look at these lights we found online:
If you were to shop for a halfway-decent flashlight you'd find that even the basic tactical lights sell for anywhere from $149-$299! And I will not say it's not worth it for a solidly bright flashlight...

In fact a few of these light are comparable with the brightness of the NOVA.
But these flashlights above, all have 1 thing in common:


They all stop, where the NOVA just gets started.

Notice how they even give you extra batteries!

Want to know why they put extra batteries in the box? Because the batteries drain faster then a married man's wallet that he left in his wife's purse. 

Once your batteries are all used up... it's either time to buy MORE batteries, or find the same darn charger that came with the flashlight (if you can). 

Simply put- this is the only flashlight you'll ever need. Never again will you have to invest in more batteries, find the charger, or worry about it dying... ever.
They Love It Because It Was Designed With Your SURVIVAL In Mind...
The NOVA KNIFE P50 is built for YOU.

We've spent countless hours designing, building, and perfecting the NOVA KNIFE P50 because I wanted a device that will TRULY save the lives of my family and those that follow Lone Survivalist...

...and that means you.


Imagine if you got into a car accident in a remote location without any battery left...

Or if an attacker tried to approach your wife at night... 

Or if you needed to start a survival fire to keep warm after a car wreck... 

Or you got stranded, and needed to filter water, saw logs, notch sticks to build shelter, or even hunt to eat...

And all you have is THIS ONE DEVICE, your NOVA KNIFE P50... 


Without it, you get severely injured (or worse). 

It's simply not worth the risk going without the NOVA KNIFE P50 in my life, or my family's, and maybe you agree.


Most Light Look Bright At Night But Only The Brightest Can Cut Through DUSK...

Do Any Lights Set Fires Like This...


Now, we could easily sell the NOVA Knife P50 for $199-$399 like single function solid flashlights, or even $399 with everything it does. 

There's plenty of folks out there that spend hundreds on a good flashlight. 

If you're in a survival situation with one of those flashlights, even though I own some, they just can't do some things YOUR NOVA KNIFE P50 CAN because your NOVA KNIFE P50 Is A Survival Tool Like No Other......

- It can charge itself, with no batteries, by drawing unlimited power directly from  the SUN...
- It can recharge your cell-phone in a dire situation quickly...
- Your Nova can light a fire for you at the drop of a hat, with ease, and never needs lighter fluid...
- It can shine an SOS signal for miles so you can be rescued or signal a lost friend or child...
- It can blind a wild animal, or immediately disorient an attacker so you can get away to safety...
- It can help you build shelter.
- It gives you the ability to procure water.
- It can cut rope, slice a seatbelt in an accident, cut plants to prepare bedding.
- It can saw bark and scrape trees for kindling.
- It can give you hand to hand protection and MORE.

A standard flash light, even a great flashlight, is just not designed for survival.


So, with the NOVA KNIFE P50 you'll get today, AT A STEAL...

You can rest assured it can do all those things for you and MORE... 

But you're not going to pay $399 for it...

You're not going to pay $299 for it, like the top of the line bright lights, though it's worth every penny.

You won't even pay $199 either like really good flashlights.
(although it's worth more.)

Currently I sell them day in and day out for $199 on my Lone Survivalist store. 

you can see that here...
BUT BECAUSE (and only because) you're a part of the Lone Survivalist family today... I'm going to give you a Nova Knife For only $99.

Just promise me 1 thing...

You have to promise that if you buy your Nova Knife Today, you won't publicize the price.

I'm doing this because I know this will be a go to survival EDC (everyday carry) tool in this crazy world, and I want to thank you for being a customer by giving you this once in a lifetime deal... 



Plus I'll Take Out All Your Risk...


If for any reason, when this Nova Knife arrives to your house and you try it out, if you don't think it is the best survival tool, we will fully refund your order and the cost of shipping.  We will even send you a box with a label that you can place your Nova Knifes in, slap the sticker on it, and ship it back.

Even if you even love the light, but get up on the wrong side of the bed and just want your money back, I'll gladly hand it back promptly.

Plus there is NO TIME LIMIT ON THIS GUARANTEE.  If you realize in the year 2030, you don't like it, tell me and you'll get a prompt refund.  

So now, that should take away any reservations at all on grabbing this deal, and for good reason...  

I want you to own this NOVA KNIFE, because it will help you and your family in survival situations and everyday life.  That's my genuine goal.